Saturday, March 2, 2024

"Only in America"--The Story of Dr. Paul Hsu

"Only in America"--the Story of Dr. Paul Hsu

By Pastor Doug Stauffer
Faith Independent Baptist Church
Journalist for Bay Life Newspaper
November 2022--Article 36 (2022-11-036)


Mentor, Tech Entrepreneur, Presidential Appointee, Philanthropist, Visionary and Author. Dr. Paul Hsu is a man that will inspire you to have a renewed belief in America’s future. Listen to him speak or read his book if you want to find out how visionaries invest in the future—the next generation needs people like Dr. Hsu. Listening to him tell his American journey is riveting and inspiring, a story of American exceptionalism. He believes that as a first generation immigrant to this country, he became a shepherd of the American Dream.

Dr. Hsu was the September RCOC speaker at the Fort Walton Yacht Club. Everyone in the audience was treated to two free books, including his book, “Guardians of the Dream.” Dr. Hsu is a busy man with family commitments but adheres to the principles he preaches. After a last-minute cancellation, I needed a speaker, but I knew Dr. Hsu was still in California, as he had been for several months. When I called him, I was surprised to find out he was returning a few days before our meeting. He graciously agreed to become our speaker and did not disappoint his audience.

Dr. Hsu believes in building relationships and cultivated many on this night. Relationship building is one of the principles that made him a successful entrepreneur and person. In business, he connected the dots that did not exist because he was courageous enough never to give up. He did not seek to get rich but sought to create from his heart. He believes that immigrants are successful because they are generally hungrier and greater risk-takers, having overcome hardship, rejection, and setbacks. Their unique stressors make them stronger and more adept at accepting and thriving through adversity.

Entrepreneurs have exceptional confidence and strong self-esteem and are visionaries with courage springing from the heart. One of his mentors’ advice was to ensure that people can like you because you are likeable. He cares about others. The Bible offers the same advice, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly” (Proverbs 18:24a). Dr. Hsu is an optimist that recognizes the highly addictive nature of the entrepreneurial spirit in his blood.

Even amongst the economic instability in a polarized society, he believes that an argument needs to be made for optimism. His story provides hope for parents of wayward children. Dr. Hsu grew up not liking being told what to do and hating school; he became defiant. His mom inspired him by telling him always to be able to look into the mirror with no regrets, a bit of advice that I regularly repeat when trying to inspire others.

He especially liked a quote from Ronald Reagan concerning immigration that went something like this. People who go to live in France don’t become Frenchmen. Those who go to live in Germany or Italy can’t become German or Italian. Yet, Reagan pointed out that anyone from any corner of the world can come to live in the United States and become an American. This fact is true from America’s origins because this country was created as an immigrant nation. Dr. Hsu believes that immigrants need to assimilate. He does not think of himself as a Chinese-American but simply as an American. He believes in the ability to dream big and follow through with the determination to reach your dreams.

America remains the most welcoming place for legal immigrants. America is the only country where an immigrant can be embraced as an insider. This unique aspect is not found in any other country. He believes in America’s five core values of freedom, ingenuity, integrity, opportunity and inclusion, elements lacking in most other countries. Most countries have widespread bribery as just another aspect of doing business. America has an infrastructure built around fair play and ethics based on the rule of law and common decency.

Americans with ingrained negativity toward America are likely taking too much for granted. Dr. Hsu started his first business in his garage. American children must get interested in math again. He believed he really needed to do something about solving the problem by inspiring youth to consider engineering degrees. He believes Artificial Intelligence (AI) will dominate the next ten years. Robots will take 80% of the workload. 3D printing will dominate manufacturing.

Amanda Negron, Executive director at HSU Educational Foundation, discussed the foundation for the last half of the meeting. The mission of the HSU Educational Foundation is to encourage excellence in teaching and inspire innovation in the classroom. She said she believes in this community and the education given to our children. “If you like what we are doing, roll up your sleeves. We create space and get out of the way.” A foundation principle involves growing up future talent and filling the void where needed. They do this through the STEM workforce program—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs raise interest and inspire students to prepare for careers of future demand. Check things out at It may surprise you what is happening here in Okaloosa County, and it will undoubtedly inspire you and give you hope for future generations. 

Pictures from the Okaloosa County Republican Club: 

 Read the newspaper (page 3)

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