Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Media's Attempted Assassination of President Trump

The Media's Attempted Assassination of President Trump

The corporate media has spent ten years singling out one man for an unprecedented hate campaign. That hate campaign on Saturday, June 13th, almost paid off.
Here are a few of the falsehoods propagated about Donald Trump:
1. They LIED about him colluding with Russia to steal a presidential election.
2. They LIED about him being a unique threat to democracy.
3. They LIED about him being a rapist.
4. They LIED about him, describing Nazis as “very fine people.”
5. They LIED about him being a racist.
6. They LIED about him trashing WWII troops.
7. They LIED about him launching an insurrection.
8. They LIED about him wanting to inject bleach into the sick.
9. They LIED about him putting kids in cages.
10. They LIED about him assaulting Secret Service agents.
11. They LIED about him being the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
How does Biden calm down the media in one day? The only way is if you have a plan to defeat your opponent. If President Trump had not turned his head at the last second, causing the shooter to pull the trigger in haste, it would not have been an assassination ATTEMPT.

 Trump is an imperfect man, but the Trump derangement syndrome must be derailed. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Deficit: A Ticking Time Bomb for America by Doug Stauffer, PhD, CPA (retired)

 The Deficit: A Ticking Time Bomb for America

(Pictured above is a ONE MILLION MARK bill from Germany that I received upon my dad's death). 

The deficit has potentially catastrophic effects on our nation. We can draw chilling parallels between our current financial trajectory and historical examples of economic collapse, such as Germany in the 1920s. The hyperinflation that plagued Germany before Hitler's rise to power serves as a stark warning of what unchecked fiscal irresponsibility can lead to. Politicians do not even talk about the national deficit except to point to the other party's spending. Both are guilty!

The Historical Lessons of Germany

In the aftermath of World War I, Germany faced immense economic strain. The Treaty of Versailles imposed heavy reparations, and to pay these debts, the Weimar Republic resorted to printing more money. Initially, the exchange rate was relatively stable, with nine marks equaling $1.00US. However, hyperinflation set in as the government continued to print money without backing it with real economic value. By 1923, the exchange rate had skyrocketed to 4.2 million marks to $1.00. The once-stable economy was plunged into chaos, leading to widespread poverty, social unrest, and the eventual rise of totalitarianism. Add open borders to the equation, and you will see the future of the United States without drastic and unpopular actions.

America’s Debt Crisis: A Modern-Day Warning

Fast forward to today, and we see the United States grappling with a similar yet distinct problem: a staggering national debt. It has been estimated that governments worldwide owe a combined $91 trillion, a figure nearly equivalent to the global economy's total value. This level of debt is unsustainable and poses a significant threat to living standards, even in wealthy nations like the U.S.

The Consequences of Inaction

If the United States fails to address its growing deficit, the consequences could be dire:

  • Inflation: Just as in Weimar Germany, printing more money to cover debt can lead to hyperinflation, eroding the value of savings and incomes.
  • Economic Instability: A high national debt can lead to decreased investor confidence, higher interest rates, and reduced economic growth.
  • Social Unrest: Economic hardship often leads to social and political unrest, as historical examples show.

The Need for Fiscal Discipline

Addressing the deficit requires a commitment to fiscal discipline. This means making hard choices about spending cuts and tax increases, which stifle the economy. It also necessitates honest communication from our leaders about our finances and the sacrifices needed to stabilize them. Unfortunately, political leaders often shy away from these difficult conversations, especially during election years.


The United States stands at a critical juncture. Without decisive action to address our national debt, we risk following in the footsteps of Germany in the 1920s, facing economic collapse and the accompanying social turmoil. We must learn from history and take proactive measures to secure our financial future. The time for responsible fiscal policy is now before it’s too late, but it may already be too late?