Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Media's Attempted Assassination of President Trump

The Media's Attempted Assassination of President Trump

The corporate media has spent ten years singling out one man for an unprecedented hate campaign. That hate campaign on Saturday, June 13th, almost paid off.
Here are a few of the falsehoods propagated about Donald Trump:
1. They LIED about him colluding with Russia to steal a presidential election.
2. They LIED about him being a unique threat to democracy.
3. They LIED about him being a rapist.
4. They LIED about him, describing Nazis as “very fine people.”
5. They LIED about him being a racist.
6. They LIED about him trashing WWII troops.
7. They LIED about him launching an insurrection.
8. They LIED about him wanting to inject bleach into the sick.
9. They LIED about him putting kids in cages.
10. They LIED about him assaulting Secret Service agents.
11. They LIED about him being the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
How does Biden calm down the media in one day? The only way is if you have a plan to defeat your opponent. If President Trump had not turned his head at the last second, causing the shooter to pull the trigger in haste, it would not have been an assassination ATTEMPT.

 Trump is an imperfect man, but the Trump derangement syndrome must be derailed. 

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