Tuesday, October 8, 2024

OpEd: Florida Abortion Amendment 4 Not What it Seems

   Op Ed: "Florida Abortion Amendment 4 Not What it Seems"

By Pastor Doug Stauffer
Faith Independent Baptist Church
Journalist for Bay Life Newspaper
October 2024

The most controversial issue on the November ballot is Amendment 4, titled the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.” Abortion is, unfortunately, divisive, but this amendment is deceptive. This change to the state’s Constitution would forever alter Florida. While Amendment 4 is being marketed as a means to "restore reproductive rights," in reality, it allows unlimited abortion, strips away parental consent laws, and removes doctors from the equation.

The Deceptive Language of Amendment 4

Amendment 4 does not define one term used in the amendment. All constitutional amendments are carefully crafted with specific terms and detailed language, leaving less room for misinterpretation. Amendment 4, however, has no such clarity. Words like "viability," "health," and "healthcare provider" are undefined. This opens the door to extreme interpretations that will be exploited by lawyers, making abortion in Florida a legal quagmire.

For instance, the term "viability" typically refers to the point at which a fetus can survive outside the womb, around 22-24 weeks. However, Amendment 4 leaves this term up for interpretation. This ambiguity creates one of the many dangerous loopholes.

The phrase “patient’s health” is equally concerning, which could be defined as physical, mental, emotional, and even financial well-being. By using vague and undefined language, Amendment 4 will allow abortion at any stage during the nine months if the “health” of the mother is deemed at risk. That “risk” could include emotional stress or financial strain. The life of the mother is already covered.

Parental Consent Stripped Away

Amendment 4 attacks the family because it obscures its impact on parental consent laws. While its proponents argue that “parental notification” remains intact, the reality is that this amendment, if passed, would repeal Florida’s parental consent laws. Think about it! Every other medical procedure performed on a minor requires parental consent—why should abortion be the ONLY exception?

Who’s Behind the Amendment?

Florida voters should ask themselves: Who stands to benefit from this radical amendment? Groups like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and the Open Society Fund, led by George Soros, have poured millions of dollars into this initiative. These are not grassroots organizations, but well-funded, out-of-state interests determined to make an example of Florida by creating an abortion destination state.

In 2022, Michigan passed a similar state constitutional amendment. What has followed are taxpayer-funded abortions and the removal of all restrictions, including late-term abortions. If Amendment 4 passes, Florida will follow the same path, forcing taxpayers to pay the bill and allowing abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Even most proponents of abortion do not believe in third-trimester abortions.  

Why This Amendment is Too Extreme for Florida

Amendment 4, as an amendment to the Constitution, will result in an almost irreversible outcome. Once enshrined in the state Constitution, our elected representatives will be powerless to fix any problems. If passed, this amendment would turn Florida into a haven for limitless abortions, drawing individuals from states with more common-sense abortion guidelines. The lack of definitions and legal loopholes would enrich attorneys, sparking years of costly litigation. The taxpayers will be adversely affected and have no hope of finding a solution.

A Call for Informed Voting

The supporters of Amendment 4 want to deceive voters into thinking that the amendment's real outcomes are unknown. Floridians deserve to be fully informed, not misled by deceptive language and hidden agendas. If parents no longer must give permission for a juvenile to have an abortion, be honest!

During all the heated rhetoric surrounding Amendment 4, one crucial element is often overlooked: love and understanding for the women who have experienced abortion. While some may be satisfied with their decision, others carry a lifetime of regret, and every time this issue ignites another firestorm, those emotions are stirred anew. As we engage in this important debate, let us not forget that compassion must remain at the heart of our conversations. Regardless of our views, every person, including those who have walked this difficult path, deserves our love, respect, and empathy.


Hit "Home" to watch Amendment 4 video

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